Friday, March 28, 2008

Frappe's "Ask Didi" Letter from the SVCCDS Newsletter

Dear Didi,

I enjoy taking a nap every morning after my stall is cleaned and I finish my breakfast. I admit that I do snore occasionally. The humans around the barn often stop and stare at me when I am napping. Sometimes they even come into my stall and wake me up. I find this to be extremely rude. How can I get them to stop interrupting my naps?


Dear Frappucino,
I, too, am well known for enjoying my daytime slumber (especially right after my room has been made up by the staff). My choice when someone has the effrontery to enter my domain whilst I am at rest is to ignore them for as long as possible. Sometimes they will just go away on their own, which of course is the right thing for them to do. If they will not take the hint I wait until they come to me, manage to get my halter on and still wait until they actually tug on the halter before I deign to rise. Then I make a big show of needing to slowly stretch front and back (and maybe even another form of 'release') before allowing them to lead me out. Making a BIG DEAL of how you are OBVIOUSLY being roused from a much needed rest usually encourages the human to provide extra carrots or cookies to make up for their poorly timed demands, and this helps assuage the spirit (as well as the stomach!).
As for your slumber being sonorous, do not concern yourself with the opinions of others, I'm sure you have a lovely tone and they are likely just envious!

